Best Practice Update

Checklists in navy text by Data Protection Education. Data Protection Services badge.  The DPE Knowledge Bank on a laptop screen

Product Focus on Checklists : Data Migration

All of our customers have access to the DPE Knowledge Bank which has a Best Practice Checklist area.  Each checklist is designed to help you walk through all aspects of data protection.
The checklist will give you an insight about where your organisation is with data protection from a data privacy and technical security perspective. The checklists form part of the Best Practice library which includes contextualised guidance, documents and resources on specific areas of data processing.  The checklists form part of the ICO Accountability Framework which helps organisations with their governance and corporate risk management where it relates to data protection.    The checklists cover all aspects of the framework, enabling you to assess against organisation baselines:

  1. Leadership & Oversight
  2. Risk Management (DPIA's)
  3. Policies & Procedures
  4. Individual Rights
  5. Contracts & Data Sharing
  6. Transparency
  7. Training & Awareness
  8. Records Management
  9. Monitoring Verification & Reporting (Data Breaches, SARs and FOI's)
  10. Response & Enforcement (SARs and FOI's)

Data Migration

The data migration checklist is designed to help you prepare for an MIS data migration project, asking questions around the product strategy, suppliers, current systems and what you are migrating to. It is linked to the Data Migration Best Practice Area which gives guidance about migrating to the cloud.  If you are considering a new MIS provider then consider untaking some due diligence on the new supplier :

Answer a sample data migration checklist question:

Have current systems been audited (knowing what data you hold)?

Invalid Input

Amazing, you have ticked off an important item on the data migration checklist.  The auditing process should be done inline with the records management policy of the organisation:

For further help and guidance and access to the full checklist, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Contact your data protection lead, SLT digital lead or DPO to start putting data migration best practice in place if you are about to change a major system in your organisation.  Best practice around supplier due diligence, and the DfE Digital Standards (if you are a school/trust) also needs to be taken into consideration:

Clipart cartoon with headphones on Please contact us for more help and advice about data protection compliance and cyber security standards: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. including the full checklist and best practice. 


Try asking the data protection lead in your organisation, or SLT digital lead or contact your DPO:

We can provide help and guidance with data protection compliance, cyber security standards and records management: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. including the full checklist and best practice.

DPE customers can get started on completing the Data Migration checklist here:
