Best Practice Update

Image of a father and son sat on a sofa in front of a laptop looking surprised with their hands in the air.  Laptop has a logo of Harry the Hacker on the back.  Data Protection logo is a watermark on the top left

Milk Island: The secret location that allows children to view restricted content on Google Maps

Milk island is a location on google maps that allows children to see videos and more while bypassing filtering and content monitoring.  Given so many of our customers are schools and colleges, but also parents, we thought we would raise some awareness.
Several of the schools we have already spoken to found their current filtering system had not blocked this content, so we are raising awareness about it.  Millk Island is not the only location on google maps to allow this.

Milk Island is a location on google maps that allows children to see TikTok videos and more and bypassing monitoring software. On google maps, type in “milk island” and click on the location. In the reviews and photos, people post videos that are sometimes inappropriate. Google deletes the videos about once a week and so they are refreshed.

What is the story behind Milk Island?

Milk Island is where all the dads go when they leave their families and never come back. Mum’s tell their children's dad went to the shop to get milk and never returned. 

Scrolling further down the page will show videos and photos.

What does this mean?

Even if you have blocked social media from a device, it potentially means that children can still view content that should have been blocked.  We recommend checking with your IT provider that this is filtered out, much of the content is unpredictable and inappropriate.

If you are a school or college, you should be following the filtering and monitoring guidelines in the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023. This is now the responsibility of your DSL with your IT support enabling the reporting process.

We would also advise reviewing the DfE Filtering and Monitoring Standards which are part of the DfE Digital Standards for Schools and Colleges.
